Workshop fabricated silo for the storage of Lime. Workshop fabricated silos are generally transportable up to a diameter of 4.6m and a length of 20m without the need for joints.
Site built silos for the storage of cement. Site built silos generally range from 4.6m to 15m diameter and can be designed with bolted or welded connections depending on size and loading conditions.
Silo farm installation including workshop fabricated and site built silos. Due to site location, high wind and seismic conditions became governing load cases.
Site built stainless steel silo for the storage of material used in the manufacture of plastic bottles. Silo assembled in two discrete sections to facilitate optimal crane lifting capacity.
Aluminium silos for the storage of Plastic Pellets. Elevated product temperature and the welding requirements of aluminium formed part of the design evaluation.
Horizontal silo (Bunker) for the storage of Activated Carbon used in the water treatment industry. Low level design driven by site height restrictions.
Cantilever style pipe bridge located on an existing building roof. Structure subject to loads from main sludge pipe , auxiliary pipes and wind loads.
Structural strength assessment of ductwork configurations to determine strength under explosion loading. Various failure modes were examined parametrically to obtain the failure pressure. Results were validated by third party FE Analysis and type testing.
FIBC lifting gantry frame open in all four bays to facilitate operative access. Runway beam analysed in accordance with BS EN 1991-3 & BS EN 1993-6
Third party design verification of proposed storage silo design.
Technical report highlighting observations and recommendations.
32m long pipe support gantry incorporating two braced bays for stability and robustness. Design included base loads and a specification drawing detailing section sizes and end connection details.
Third party design validation of a vessel strengthening modification proposal.
Assessment involved a high level review of the methods used in the analysis. A technical report presented observations and recommendations.